Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Kiss Goodnight

Do you know how many women got their last goodnight kiss yesterday before passing away from Breast Cancer? In 2011 there have been 230,480 new cases of breast cancer found in women, according to The National Cancer Institute. October is breast cancer awareness month and I was triggered to write a blog about it after I had my yogurt a couple days ago. On the top of my Dannon was a pink lid, and it informed me if I went and entered my code I would have donated 10 cents to help find the cure for breast cancer. So I did and now I find myself buying all of the Pink items that guarantee to send a portion of their profits to aid in the search for a cure. I never felt the need to purchase these items before, but after I did donate that 10 cents I got three different emails thanking me and telling me how I was helping women everywhere. And although I know this is probably a part of the company's marketing plan, to encourage myself among other customers to go purchase more of their product, it made me feel great. Great to know that I may have potentially helped, even if it was in such a small and indirect way as me grabbing a yogurt on my way to class. So I encourage everyone to, I intend to at least until the end of October, that when you pick up a yogurt, or a cereal, or a shirt and it says if you enter this code you can help donate x amount of money that you do it. Because its a great thing to do.

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